
Tuesday 8 June 2010

I am a dreamer!

Dreams! A succession of thoughts, images, sounds or emotions which the mind experiences during sleep (Wikipedia).The type of dream I am referring to is the one you have when youa re wide awake. The type you have when all your senses are fully awake, and your thinking faculty is at it's most creative. The dream you have of a better future, of what you would ike to do, achieve, have or where you would like to go or be.

This is the best dream. Why, because dreams are like seeds sown into fertile ground. The fertile ground of destiny. When you dream, you are sowing, and when you make moves to achieve your dream, you are watering and tendering.

If you don't sow anything, no matter how fertile the ground is, or how much rain or sun there is, you wouldn't reap anything.

So, the best favour you can do for yourself is to dream. And the saddest thing is many people are afraid of dreaming. Whereas it costs nothing to dream but I can assure you, it achieves a lot.

1 comment:

  1. If you have kids, this is the website to check out:
